Programmes supported by Oribi

Oribi’s mission is to promote positive social and environmental impact through impact entrepreneurship. The World Bank report “Inequality in Southern Africa: An Assessment of the Southern African Customs Union (Sacu)” notes that South Africa is characterised by “high wealth inequality and economic polarisation (particularly in labour markets)”. Its main objective is to support impact entrepreneurs in order to promote inclusive economic development.

Find out more about Oribi


A three-stage innovation programme designed to help young girls identify the problems they are passionate about, come up with innovative ideas and create business opportunities


Le programme permet de connecter et d’accéder à un réseau de mentors, d’experts et d’innovateurs alimentaires qui transforment le système alimentaire pour de bon.

Programmes supported by LAB’ESS

Founded in 2012, just after the revolution, the Laboratoire de l’Economie Social et Solidaire (Lab’ess) is an organisation whose mission is to support the associative movement and back social entrepreneurship as a lever for solidarity-based, inclusive and sustainable development.

Find out more about Lab’ess


6-month 100% female incubation programme to support and finance women driving change in the Sfax region and surrounding area

Incubation in Tunis

The Lab’ess incubator offers four months’ personalised support and funding to help you develop your initiative

Programmes supported by Jógjëf

Jógjëf is PULSE’s incubator in Senegal, promoting entrepreneurship among young women and men aged between 18 and 34. Since its creation, Jogjef has seen 3 entrepreneurial promotions pass through its programmes.

Find out more about Jógjëf