PULSE runs awareness-raising, support and funding programmes in Europe and Africa for impact project leaders, as well as initiatives to strengthen local players.
incubators operating in Africa and Europe
support programmes deployed
incubators strengthened
active countries
entrepreneurs supported
people reached
% women supported
adapted programs
In order to give the entrepreneurs we support every chance of success, our programmes are designed to adapt to :
Specific levels of maturity, from emergence to acceleration,
Specific sectors of activity: when the context justifies it, we choose to dedicate our programme to a theme that represents a structuring challenge for the region: food security in South Africa, for example, or the circular economy in Seine-Saint-Denis,
To specific target groups, to take account of the obstacles faced by those who are under-represented in business start-ups: women, young people with few qualifications, refugees, people looking for work or in the second half of their career.
resources at your service
Within our programmes and according to their needs, we provide project leaders with a range of resources: training, individual support, business or functional expertise, and financing tools. We also organise group sessions and networking events.
The impact study identified two main areas of impact. The incubation programmes deployed have enabled :
Capacity building
for the project leaders supported
At the end of incubation
of respondents increased their technical skills (hard skills) between the start and end of the incubation period (with 79% of female respondents)
of respondents increased their soft skills between the start and end of the incubation period (with 58% of female respondents)
of respondents felt that going through the incubation programme had a positive effect on their social integration. (This percentage rises to 75% among female project leaders)
The development
of impact businesses
At the end of the incubation period
of the project leaders supported by the three incubators had a business created (this percentage reached 70% among the female project leaders responding)
of respondents are carrying out a project with a social impact on their ecosystem (this percentage rises to 74% among the female respondents)
of respondents are carrying out a project with an environmental impact on their ecosystem (this percentage rises to 62% among female project sponsors)
of respondents are carrying out a project with an economic impact on their ecosystem (this percentage rises to 52% among female project sponsors)
proven expertise
This know-how, cultivated since 2006, now enables us to :
- To model toolkits with the essential elements to secure the deployment of projects to strengthen the players involved: this is the case in the Balkans and in Senegal
- Create tailor-made programmes for partners according to their needs.
For example :
The #NouveauCap program
Supported by Malakoff Humanis, which aims to encourage entrepreneurship among the over-45s by helping them to set up businesses with a positive impact.
The Quartiers Cafés program
Supported by the Coca-Cola Foundation, which aimed to encourage initiatives to promote social links within local shops in priority neighbourhoods